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 pollux — gimme, gimme all your love.

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Pollux M. Whitlock
Pollux M. Whitlock

▼ Date d'inscription : 30/04/2016
▼ Messages : 86
▼ Avatar : matty healy.
▼ Crédits : sykes.

pollux — gimme, gimme all your love.  Empty
MessageSujet: pollux — gimme, gimme all your love.    pollux — gimme, gimme all your love.  EmptyDim 8 Mai - 17:47
pollux m. whitlock
22. célibataire. originaire de bâton-rouge. staten island. fabrique des machines inutiles. rentre à columbia en automne. suit une bucket-list. fume comme un pompier. amoureux de la musique, fais un peu de guitare. travaille dans un sex shop depuis le début de l'année. sauve les abeilles et les papillons de nuit. plutôt riche, mais essaye de l'ignorer.

Pollux M. Whitlock
Pollux M. Whitlock

▼ Date d'inscription : 30/04/2016
▼ Messages : 86
▼ Avatar : matty healy.
▼ Crédits : sykes.

pollux — gimme, gimme all your love.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: pollux — gimme, gimme all your love.    pollux — gimme, gimme all your love.  EmptyDim 8 Mai - 17:48
the whitlocks
absolem all this bad blood ; j'pense que tout se passait bien entre nous, de manière totalement neutre, en fait, jusqu'à ce que je couche avec ton ex pour qui, vraisemblablement, t'as toujours des sentiments. ça m'fait rire, mais c'est pas drôle. déjà que t'aimais pas grand monde dans la fratrie, j'crois qu'on peut dire que c'est définitivement mort entre nous? un dernier compliment pour la route, histoire de calmer les hostilités: t'as de bons goûts en matière de meufs.
némésis irritating much ; tu iras sûrement dire à ton jumeau que t'avais un mauvais feeling à mon sujet et que t'avais raison, comme d'habitude. mais c'est pas de ma faute si le monde est petit et j'créé par les instabilités chez les gens que je rencontre et que je côtoie et puis de toute façon t'es pas mieux que lui, hein, qu'eux, que n'importe qui, que personne, donc si tu m'aimes pas, bah tant pis. ça m'fait ni chaud ni froid, un d'plus un d'moins, hm?  
ira bro pal ; de tous nos frères et sœurs, la personne à qui je ressemble le plus c'est toi (alors que bordel, on a même pas le même sang) et malgré ça, malgré les autres facteurs, on s'est pas reconnus, ni posés de questions. t'as pas la place la plus simple, au sein de cette famille, surtout quand la majorité de tes siblings sont des connards, mais c'est probablement la plus enviable. t'as une porte de sortie, quelque part. bref, j'suppose que t'es plus mon pote qu'autre chose, du coup. je crois que je donne plus d'importance à mes amis, "la famille que je choisi", plutôt qu'à ma famille d'origine, celle qui se barre en couille. donc t'es définitivement dans celle qui me plaît le mieux.
adriel turn the light off when you go (please don't go)  ; la rancune, c'est pas mon truc. c'est un sentiment malsain, qui t'empoisonne et t'empêche d'avancer, donc dans le principe, j'aime pas ressentir ce genre de chose envers quelqu'un. c'est inutile. ça fait plus de mal que de bien. mais toi. bordel, j'me demande vraiment ce que notre famille aurait donné si tu t'étais pas lâchement barré, donnant l'exemple aux autres. peut-être qu'on serait moins éparpillés aujourd'hui, peut-être qu'il y aurait moins de problèmes. peut-être qu'on serait pas des étrangers pour les autres, peut-être qu'on aurait une famille plus saine. t'es partiellement responsable. notre père a son quota d'responsabilité dans le lot parce que c'est la peur qui t'a fait fuir, mais putain, si t'avais juste essayé de rester.
river back from the dead ; t'es fourbe. j'te connais pas bien, parce que notre père t'a chassé tôt de la maison, mais je sais à peu près comment t'es et même si t'es ma sœur, même si t'es certainement la personne qui me ressemble le plus, des les faits et gestes, réactions et tempéraments, j'te fais pas confiance. probablement parce que je me connais trop bien et j'pense que si j'étais quelqu'un d'autre, je garderais mes distances avec moi-même, donc totalement avec toi. t'es comme une tempête, tu fous l'bordel partout ou tu passes et j'tiens trop à ma tranquillité et à ce que je possède pour prendre le risque de te laisser rentrer.

© belzébuth
Pollux M. Whitlock
Pollux M. Whitlock

▼ Date d'inscription : 30/04/2016
▼ Messages : 86
▼ Avatar : matty healy.
▼ Crédits : sykes.

pollux — gimme, gimme all your love.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: pollux — gimme, gimme all your love.    pollux — gimme, gimme all your love.  EmptyDim 8 Mai - 17:48
babes with the power
terrence-nicola sedgwick if we're gonna do anything we might as well just fuck ; November 1st, 2007, 6:25am, something happened that changed my life forever. I nearly lost everything. I nearly destroyed all that I have, all that I have worked for, all that others have worked for. I nearly lost my freedom, I nearly lost my life. From then on, I went through what is still, and hopefully ever be the most horrific, frightening experience of my existence. That night, sat in a dark room, my body wretched as I cried. I was in pieces. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't move. I was clutching one of my friends that night, he was crying too. He was shouting for his mother. I remember staring out my window. I have never, in my whole life, even considered suicide. I store at my window. The feeling of actually wanting to end your own life is unreal. I remember being sick as soon as the thought occurred. I lived with this everyday. I tried to smile, but there was always this darkness. Feeding on the back of my mind. Constantly reminding. But by some miracle, I survived this. It's something I will never forget. And although I look back in shame, I don't look back in regret. I have been taught a great lesson. I will never take for granted what i have again.
your name here a title ; November 1st, 2007, 6:25am, something happened that changed my life forever. I nearly lost everything. I nearly destroyed all that I have, all that I have worked for, all that others have worked for. I nearly lost my freedom, I nearly lost my life. From then on, I went through what is still, and hopefully ever be the most horrific, frightening experience of my existence. That night, sat in a dark room, my body wretched as I cried. I was in pieces. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't move. I was clutching one of my friends that night, he was crying too. He was shouting for his mother. I remember staring out my window. I have never, in my whole life, even considered suicide. I store at my window. The feeling of actually wanting to end your own life is unreal. I remember being sick as soon as the thought occurred. I lived with this everyday. I tried to smile, but there was always this darkness. Feeding on the back of my mind. Constantly reminding. But by some miracle, I survived this. It's something I will never forget. And although I look back in shame, I don't look back in regret. I have been taught a great lesson. I will never take for granted what i have again.
your name here a title ; November 1st, 2007, 6:25am, something happened that changed my life forever. I nearly lost everything. I nearly destroyed all that I have, all that I have worked for, all that others have worked for. I nearly lost my freedom, I nearly lost my life. From then on, I went through what is still, and hopefully ever be the most horrific, frightening experience of my existence. That night, sat in a dark room, my body wretched as I cried. I was in pieces. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't move. I was clutching one of my friends that night, he was crying too. He was shouting for his mother. I remember staring out my window. I have never, in my whole life, even considered suicide. I store at my window. The feeling of actually wanting to end your own life is unreal. I remember being sick as soon as the thought occurred. I lived with this everyday. I tried to smile, but there was always this darkness. Feeding on the back of my mind. Constantly reminding. But by some miracle, I survived this. It's something I will never forget. And although I look back in shame, I don't look back in regret. I have been taught a great lesson. I will never take for granted what i have again.
your name here a title  ; November 1st, 2007, 6:25am, something happened that changed my life forever. I nearly lost everything. I nearly destroyed all that I have, all that I have worked for, all that others have worked for. I nearly lost my freedom, I nearly lost my life. From then on, I went through what is still, and hopefully ever be the most horrific, frightening experience of my existence. That night, sat in a dark room, my body wretched as I cried. I was in pieces. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't move. I was clutching one of my friends that night, he was crying too. He was shouting for his mother. I remember staring out my window. I have never, in my whole life, even considered suicide. I store at my window. The feeling of actually wanting to end your own life is unreal. I remember being sick as soon as the thought occurred. I lived with this everyday. I tried to smile, but there was always this darkness. Feeding on the back of my mind. Constantly reminding. But by some miracle, I survived this. It's something I will never forget. And although I look back in shame, I don't look back in regret. I have been taught a great lesson. I will never take for granted what i have again.
   © belzébuth
Pollux M. Whitlock
Pollux M. Whitlock

▼ Date d'inscription : 30/04/2016
▼ Messages : 86
▼ Avatar : matty healy.
▼ Crédits : sykes.

pollux — gimme, gimme all your love.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: pollux — gimme, gimme all your love.    pollux — gimme, gimme all your love.  EmptyLun 18 Juil - 12:13
the cool kids
your name here a title ; November 1st, 2007, 6:25am, something happened that changed my life forever. I nearly lost everything. I nearly destroyed all that I have, all that I have worked for, all that others have worked for. I nearly lost my freedom, I nearly lost my life. From then on, I went through what is still, and hopefully ever be the most horrific, frightening experience of my existence. That night, sat in a dark room, my body wretched as I cried. I was in pieces. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't move. I was clutching one of my friends that night, he was crying too. He was shouting for his mother. I remember staring out my window. I have never, in my whole life, even considered suicide. I store at my window. The feeling of actually wanting to end your own life is unreal. I remember being sick as soon as the thought occurred. I lived with this everyday. I tried to smile, but there was always this darkness. Feeding on the back of my mind. Constantly reminding. But by some miracle, I survived this. It's something I will never forget. And although I look back in shame, I don't look back in regret. I have been taught a great lesson. I will never take for granted what i have again.
your name here a title ; November 1st, 2007, 6:25am, something happened that changed my life forever. I nearly lost everything. I nearly destroyed all that I have, all that I have worked for, all that others have worked for. I nearly lost my freedom, I nearly lost my life. From then on, I went through what is still, and hopefully ever be the most horrific, frightening experience of my existence. That night, sat in a dark room, my body wretched as I cried. I was in pieces. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't move. I was clutching one of my friends that night, he was crying too. He was shouting for his mother. I remember staring out my window. I have never, in my whole life, even considered suicide. I store at my window. The feeling of actually wanting to end your own life is unreal. I remember being sick as soon as the thought occurred. I lived with this everyday. I tried to smile, but there was always this darkness. Feeding on the back of my mind. Constantly reminding. But by some miracle, I survived this. It's something I will never forget. And although I look back in shame, I don't look back in regret. I have been taught a great lesson. I will never take for granted what i have again.
your name here a title ; November 1st, 2007, 6:25am, something happened that changed my life forever. I nearly lost everything. I nearly destroyed all that I have, all that I have worked for, all that others have worked for. I nearly lost my freedom, I nearly lost my life. From then on, I went through what is still, and hopefully ever be the most horrific, frightening experience of my existence. That night, sat in a dark room, my body wretched as I cried. I was in pieces. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't move. I was clutching one of my friends that night, he was crying too. He was shouting for his mother. I remember staring out my window. I have never, in my whole life, even considered suicide. I store at my window. The feeling of actually wanting to end your own life is unreal. I remember being sick as soon as the thought occurred. I lived with this everyday. I tried to smile, but there was always this darkness. Feeding on the back of my mind. Constantly reminding. But by some miracle, I survived this. It's something I will never forget. And although I look back in shame, I don't look back in regret. I have been taught a great lesson. I will never take for granted what i have again.
your name here a title  ; November 1st, 2007, 6:25am, something happened that changed my life forever. I nearly lost everything. I nearly destroyed all that I have, all that I have worked for, all that others have worked for. I nearly lost my freedom, I nearly lost my life. From then on, I went through what is still, and hopefully ever be the most horrific, frightening experience of my existence. That night, sat in a dark room, my body wretched as I cried. I was in pieces. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't move. I was clutching one of my friends that night, he was crying too. He was shouting for his mother. I remember staring out my window. I have never, in my whole life, even considered suicide. I store at my window. The feeling of actually wanting to end your own life is unreal. I remember being sick as soon as the thought occurred. I lived with this everyday. I tried to smile, but there was always this darkness. Feeding on the back of my mind. Constantly reminding. But by some miracle, I survived this. It's something I will never forget. And although I look back in shame, I don't look back in regret. I have been taught a great lesson. I will never take for granted what i have again.
   © belzébuth
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pollux — gimme, gimme all your love.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: pollux — gimme, gimme all your love.    pollux — gimme, gimme all your love.  Empty

pollux — gimme, gimme all your love.

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